Price Transparency Information
At Lower Keys Medical Center, our goal is to provide patients with high quality care and the best possible hospital experience, from registration through discharge. We know that understanding billing, insurance, and medical records may seem overwhelming at times. To make this process more transparent and help patients understand their personal out-of-pocket responsibility, the hospital provides the following information:
State of Florida Health Care Pricing Website
The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) focuses on providing Floridians with access to affordable, quality health care. AHCA maintains a pricing website that provides information on payments made to hospitals for defined service bundles and procedures.
The ACHA pricing website is located at:
The information found on the AHCA pricing website is non-personalized, which means it is not a specific, personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by a patient for anticipated services. Actual costs incurred by a patient will be based on services actually provided to a patient.
Personalized Estimate of Costs
All hospital patients, potential patients, or legal guardians of patients have the right to request a personalized estimate of costs for nonemergency medical services. Our financial counselors welcome questions and are available to provide assistance. To obtain a personalized estimate, please contact the Patient Financial Services department at the hospital, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Payment, Billing, and Assistance Policies
The hospital has established payment and billing policies regarding financial assistance, charity care, billing, and collections. These payment policies can be found by clicking on the "Payment, Billing, and Assistance Policies" link under the "Patients & Visitors" tab on the hospital's website.
Information on Health Insurers, Health Maintenance Organizations, and Health Care Providers
The "Payment, Billing, and Assistance Policies" link under the "Patients & Visitors" tab on the hospital's website also provides patients with
- A list of names and web addresses of health insurers and health maintenance organizations (HMO) with which the hospital is contracted as a network provider or participant, and
- A searchable list of names and contract information of health care providers (including doctors) and medical practice groups with which the hospital has contracted to provide services; this list can be searched by specialty or by name.
All patients should contact the health care providers that may provide services while the patient is in the hospital regarding a personalized cost estimate, billing practices, and participation with a patient's health insurer or HMO.
Health care providers listed on the "Payment, Billing, and Assistance Policies" link may not participate with the same health insurers or HMO as the hospital.