Lower Keys Medical Center Now Offers 24/7 Interventional Cardiology
On Sunday, January 5th, Michael Ruiter of Key West was working out at his gym. As he was lifting weights, he realized something wasn’t right – he was experiencing symptoms consistent with a heart attack. After visiting an urgent care, he was transported to Lower Keys Medical Center and admitted to the ICU, awaiting a procedure that is part of LKMC’s 24/7 interventional cardiology coverage, available since November.
Lower Keys Medical Center has invested $4.9M, including a renovation of the cardiac catheterization lab, to expand its heart care capabilities and offer interventional cardiology services to patients in the Lower Keys. Board-certified interventional cardiologist Dr. Cesar Jara is leading the effort to provide 24/7 coverage so that patients like Michael can get the care they need close to home.
“Michael’s case was like many that we see here at Lower Keys Medical Center – he was suffering a serious cardiac event that required immediate attention,” said Jara. “We have a cardiac catheterization lab with a team on call led by an interventional cardiologist that can perform coronary interventions at our hospital. Our team is on call 24/7 because we want to keep care in the Keys and support patients with the treatment they need close to home.”
In Ruiter’s case, Jara said a cardiac intervention should be performed within 24 hours if stable. He was stabilized after being transported by ambulance to LKMC’s emergency department, and following a night in the ICU, had a cardiac catheterization procedure by a radial approach and a stent procedure. Within a week, he was cleared for normal activity, including his work as owner of Ocean Wellness Spa and Salon.
“Dr. Jara assured me that if I needed anything that evening, the cardiac team was prepared,” said Ruiter. “I’ve known people who had to go to Miami in the past. I’m glad that Lower Keys Medical Center was able to manage my needs here in Key West.”
LKMC’s capabilities include treatment for a ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), a type of heart attack characterized by a complete blockage of a coronary artery. Since 24/7 coverage became available, cardiac-related transfers out of Key West have decreased from an average of 20 per month to seven per month.
Dr. Jara has extensive experience building cardiovascular programs to improve health care and outcomes, including STEMI programs. According to Jara, treating the most serious cardiac patients requires the right equipment, as well as training and coordination between hospital staff and emergency medical services to develop systems of care based on proven standards and procedures.
“A type of heart attack called STEMI for the unique changes in the EKG should be treated within 90 minutes of arrival to the ED to minimize damage to the heart muscle and in some cases to save the patient’s life,” said Dr. Jara. “We are training local nurses to gain expertise and become part of the interventional cardiac team and we are investing in new devices in our cardiac cath lab so we can treat complex lesions. In addition, we are working with local EMS and physicians so that they know that we can provide this level of care to the Key West community.”
The interventional cardiology team at Lower Keys Medical Center provides 24/7 coverage for STEMI and other heart issues. Engaging specialty providers like Dr. Jara is part of a broader effort to Keep Care in the Keys by recruiting specialists to expand healthcare resources at the